Does Chris Brown Deserve Our Sympathy?
Hey guys! I got some juicy gossip and some heated opinions so let's just jump right into it!

Now people were saying that Chris's daughter was present while all of this went down, but that has been dismissed as false. Brown claimed that he never waved a gun in Baylee's face and is complaining that he can never catch a break from bad press. Well sir, that might be due to the fact that you smashed Rihanna's face real good, constantly have pictures on the internet of yourself smoking and partying, and verbally attack anyone who has something negative to say about you. Plus you're a celebrity so of course all of your actions are going to be publicized! If you want to stay out of the news then stop doing stupid things! All celebrities have haters, and the way that they deal with them shows what kind of person they are. Some people are never going to forgive Chris for his mistakes and he just has to accept that and move on instead of trying address them.
Also, he has a daughter now so I don't think he should have weapons and drugs in his apartment, regardless of whether she is there or not. Being a parent requires you to change yourself to become the best example for your child, so maybe people are judging him more because he has been involved in bad press lately. Either way, he can't just expect people to agree with everything that he does. And if he thinks that he should be well respected now just because he has a daughter, he can try again.
Let me know how you feel about Chris Brown in the comments below and check out my new post tomorrow for some exciting celebrity news!