So I know this has been going on for a while but I haven't spoken out on it so here we go. The clowns! This is a controversial topic because some people believe that America is being purged by clowns while others think it's all a giant prank. I don't even know how all of this got started but it has definitely gone too far! Schools are being closed due to threats and people are afraid to go out at night for fear of being shanked!!
Perhaps the first clown was a real threat, but now I think it's been turned into a game. The clowns find it humorous to mentally scar the children of America, and some teenagers are going out in groups searching for the clowns to show it who's boss. Honestly, this whole thing is ridiculous because the majority of these "clown sightings" are staged or a prank. Even when the sightings seem real and the clowns start to chase people, you can hear them laughing as they're running away! I don't know about ya'll but if I were being chased by a murderous clown, you can bet your grand-mama's biscuits that I would not be enjoying it! And if the clowns really did pose a threat, I feel like more of them would be caught. If I ever saw one, I would give the cops the exact longitude and latitude of it's location to make sure that clown was arrested!
When people really do find a clown, they pull out their phone and wait until it sees and starts chasing them before they realize that they're in danger. I will admit that I'm a little paranoid about these clowns, but I'm more angry than anything. Like who do you think you are, terrorizing America like this?! I think everyone across the country should get into large groups and chase every last one of these clowns down! We are dealing with enough problems right now, and we don't need morons in face paint and a Halloween costume adding to them. If a clown thinks it can attack me without any consequences, they can try again!
Make sure to follow my blog for posts and opinions about the most recent events!
I love your post. And here in Australia we having small groups on the hunt for evil clowns. They seem to be everywhere at the moment. One hopes the craze will end soon.