Hey guys! I know this title is insane but it's true! Taylor has another album coming out in October! Crazy right? It seems like her 1989 album just came out yesterday. Hard to believe it was two years ago! She told us she was taking a break but that didn't really happen because I still hear her songs from that album on the radio! But I guess this isn't a huge surprise if you track the releases of her past albums. She began releasing an album every other October since her very first one (except for Fearless which was released in November but it's close enough so we'll still count it).
And what's even crazier than her coming out with another album is the fact that she hasn't promoted it at all! She's going to pull a Beyonce! Of course she's crazy popular so I don't think she will have any trouble selling albums without promoting it. But I feel like it may take a while for people to realize that she has a new album. People will just be driving to work and they hear a random song on the radio that's introduced as Taylor's new song from her recently released album. Cars will be swerving all over the road because it caught them off guard!

I'm getting pretty excited for her new music though. I need to hear some different songs on the radio and there are rumors that she has some amazing collaborations planned. And of course there are also rumors that this album will be Taylor Swift's way of destroying Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston's reputation. Although I don't think that is her style, you better believe there are going to be some digs at them. I hope Taylor did take a break so her mind could do some amazing work on this new album. I'm so ready because her albums are all incredible and I believe this one will live up to it's expectations! But if it doesn't, then she can try again.
What do ya'll think about her new album? Is it just a way to attack her recent relationships? Let me know in the comments below!
Hey guys! I got some juicy gossip and some heated opinions so let's just jump right into it!

So I know y'all have heard about the drama between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, but it sounds like Chris Brown has also been dealing with some issues recently. Shocker, right? Sike! Of course he's involved in some drama. So apparently he was at his apartment on August 30th chillin with his friends. Baylee Curran was one of the people there, and she claims that Chris waved a gun in her face after she tried to view some expensive jewelry that he had at the apartment. She left and called the cops. Once they arrived, Chris wouldn't let them in. Instead, he allegedly threw a bag out the window containing weapons and drugs. While the police were trying to get him to open the door, Brown thought it would be a great idea to trash the cops and clear his name on Instagram before the events of that night went viral.

Now people were saying that Chris's daughter was present while all of this went down, but that has been dismissed as false. Brown claimed that he never waved a gun in Baylee's face and is complaining that he can never catch a break from bad press. Well sir, that might be due to the fact that you smashed Rihanna's face real good, constantly have pictures on the internet of yourself smoking and partying, and verbally attack anyone who has something negative to say about you. Plus you're a celebrity so of course all of your actions are going to be publicized! If you want to stay out of the news then stop doing stupid things! All celebrities have haters, and the way that they deal with them shows what kind of person they are. Some people are never going to forgive Chris for his mistakes and he just has to accept that and move on instead of trying address them.
Also, he has a daughter now so I don't think he should have weapons and drugs in his apartment, regardless of whether she is there or not. Being a parent requires you to change yourself to become the best example for your child, so maybe people are judging him more because he has been involved in bad press lately. Either way, he can't just expect people to agree with everything that he does. And if he thinks that he should be well respected now just because he has a daughter, he can try again.
Let me know how you feel about Chris Brown in the comments below and check out my new post tomorrow for some exciting celebrity news!
Happy Monday! I know this is the worst day of the week but it's almost over and the weekend is one day closer! Also, today is my first post of the week! I'm going to talk about three celebrities that have been very popular topics recently.

The first is Miley Cyrus. Her time on The Voice has just begun and she seems very excited about it. She has been tweeting multiple times a day to promote each episode and really seems to be enjoying herself. Although I'm still holding a grudge against her for killing my childhood idol (Hannah Montana) without so much as a warning, I am a fan of the majority of her music and I have to admit that she did have an amazing voice before she went all cray cray. She seems to be giving good advice as a vocal coach and is meshing well with the other judges so I'm proud of her for that. You go girl!

The next celebrity I want to talk about is Selena Gomez. She is one of my favorite celebrities! She is so caring and her music really matches who she is. However, she's going through a rough time right now due to Lupus. It's causing her to have extreme depression and anxiety. Because of this, she is taking a break from music. She deserves this break though because she is such an inspiration to people everywhere and she always works so hard to make her fans happy.

Finally, we have the queen of pop! Ariana Grande! She has come so far since she first started out three years ago! She has sang with a bunch of popular artists and has had three of her own albums. Her video for Side To Side came out just three weeks ago and it already has over 100 million views! She is being recognized everywhere for her amazing voice and I don't think she'll be going away any time soon. Nicki said it best, "I'm the queen of rap, young Ariana run pop". Congrats to her and I look forward to all the amazing things she will do in the future! And if you've never listened to her music, you need to try again. Check out my blog Thursday for another post! See you then!
Hey guys! I love watching YouTube videos! I can lay around for hours watching some of my favorite channels. If you're not as crazy about YouTube as I am, it's probably because you're not watching the right people. Let me give you some suggestions.

These people are one of my favorite YouTubers. Their names are De'arra and Ken. They are a cute couple and have some of the funniest videos I have ever seen! They are genuine and love to mess around with each-other. Their channel is called " De'arra and Ken 4 Life". Go check it out! If you want a good video to get a feel for who they are, watch " yoga challenge part 2". It's only 15 minutes so go watch it and comment below what you think of them.
Next I want to talk about someone that most people are familiar with. Miranda Sings. Before you groan and scroll past this, just hear me out! She is so funny and amazing! I have never laughed harder then I do while watching her videos. At least watch " Trying Mexican Candy w/ Shane Dawson". It's only 7 minutes long, so don't even think about not doing it because it's a "waste of time".

My last suggestion for you is one of the craziest YouTubers out there. Her name is GloZell. Words can't even describe how insane she is. She has a huge variety of videos so I'm sure ya'll will be able to find one that gets you interested in her channel. She always has something weird going on, whether it's her green lipstick or her loose wig. One of my favorite videos she has is the "cinnamon challenge". It's one of her older videos, but it gives you an idea of who she is in a little over three minutes.
These are only three of the best YouTubers as of now! Please go give them a chance and let me know if you like them! Funny YouTube videos will bring you actual joy, so venture out and find someone that sparks your interest! And if you think YouTubers are dumb and annoying, you can try again.
Give this post a like and subscribe to my blog! I'll see ya'll again on Monday! Bye!!!